"Clink, clink, clink." Money dropped into the "tip" jar at the bake sale. There was so much money in the jar! (We were selling food to make money so that we can buy groceries for the John Graham Shelter.)
At school the next day, I went through Morning Meeting, science, typing, specials (PE and music) and then recess. After recess we went in to our groups. Protein, canned goods, hygiene products, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, grains, dairy, and my group - meals in a box.
We walked down the hall in our jackets and gloves and hats. I thought the walk would be fast but it wasn't. We had to walk for miles! Soon we made it to the store. All that food made be hungry, but I knew that I wasn't buying food for me.
I found my group in isle two. They were looking at boxed mac and cheese. We bought three boxes of velvet mac and cheese and two boxes of ramon noodles. We also bought angel hair spaghetti. Then we waited until every one else finished their shopping. Finally, we walked back to school. On the way, we dropped our food off at the John Graham Shelter. The people there looked very elated when they saw us with the food and hygiene products.
When we got back to school, we had hot chocolate and cookies. I devoured my cookie and sipped my hot chocolate. As I drank my cocoa, I thought about how delighted I made those people at the shelter. That made me smile.
As you can see, it is never too late to do the right thing.
$244.00 and 10 boxes of food was donated to the Vergennes Food Shelf. Also, $3,600.00 went to support the After School Fusion Program. Some of the jobs were baking, donations, setting up, taking down, ans hanging signs. Some people who supported that were parents, teachers and students. The vendors did very well, and there was a great turnout of shoppers.
Some other little fun facts that happened:
There was a children's room where kids could do crafts, and they could watch movies while their parent were shopping
Some former VUES students were the DJs for Christmas music.
Steve Sawyer and the chorus group came through and sang carols.
Finally the winners of the Raffle Selling Contest... there was a fifth grader in Mrs. Cadoret's class who got first place, another fifth grader in Mrs. Racine's class who got second place, and a kindergartner in Mrs. Ekroos's class who got third place. They all will receive a Vergennes Green Bucks.
Bethany Farrell came to visit the Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade and 3rd grade students. She illustrated the book, Oberst and Valentine Find Their Human.
Beth explained how she turned sketches into illustrations.
Laura MacLachlan from Vermont Energy Education Program visited 6th grade for a day. She is an energy educator. She serves schools in Addison and Rutland counties. 6th grade science students did an greenhouse gases experiment. They used a heat lamp for the sun, two 2 liter soda jugs, rocks, 2 thermometers, and 2 data sheets.
One 6th grader said, "It was fun and cunfuzzling at the same time."
Another said, "It was fun."
Three sixth graders are listening for the next direction.
The materials for the experiment.
Here they are doing the experiment.
Now Laura Machachlan is helping two sixth graders.
On Tuesday November 24, 2015, the whole school gathered in the gym for the November POPS assembly. First, they gave out POPS awards to 13 students (one for each class). Second, the sixth graders played a little game about teamwork called Pipeline. Mrs. Wenzel's homeroom won by the way. After the sixth graders game, Ms. Newton asked what the students in the audience saw. Then, whole school watched a 6th grade ropes course video. And at the end of the assembly, they gave out the POPS classroom of the assembly.